Digital Transformation Experts

In modern, digital enterprises IT has broken out of the department and imbues the whole organisation enabling better efficiency, scale and agility. We help you weaving IT into your workflows and processes as a support function rather than an obstacle.

What We Do

Digital Business Strategy

Digital businesses have moved beyond marketing, they have modelled their whole business digitally. This brings scale and efficiency. We help your business own your model and become more than a cog wheel.

Digital Product Strategy

Digitising your business through products takes ownership and experience. We help you convert your digital strategy into shipped products with solid foundation and a growth path forward.

Prototype, Build & Deliver

Nothing sells your ideas like a prototype. We can rapidly build the tangible PoCs that you need to convince decision-makers why and how your organisation will become fully digital.

Why Should You Care

Expand & Scale Operations

Do you still see your business as one behemoth of interwoven business processes? The key to expandable, agile and scalable business growth is to define smaller, manageable services and products that can be swapped and upgrade like lego bricks. This makes IT manageable through it's bite-sized contributions rather than the big black hole sucking up money for massive, often unsuccessful projects.

Not Being Digital Is Not an Option

Your business has successfully shifted its key operations onto digital platforms. You have built ancillary services that support all accounting, logistics and inventory management services. They all live in their own silos and provide exactly the views that one stakeholder detailed a decade ago. All disruptive businesses have a shared underlying IT platform tying information together allowing analysis and optimisation.

Our Approach as 1-2-3

1. Architecture Strategy

The right strategic approach to your product architecture is key., It defines how your various products and services fit together and build your overall operation. It also defines APIs between your various operations and enables replicability across units and geographies.

2. Product Design

Once you have defined the products and how they interplay, we design the product interfaces and architecture. In workshops we

3. Prototyping

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Case Studies (& Whitepapers)

Compliance Platform

Wanting to provide a SaaS product beyond its current compliance and diligence consulting offering, Poseidon Group approached us to help building a compliance platform.

This is a short block quote by Veli on how it was a breeze to work with us.

Financial Services

Wanting to provide a SaaS product beyond its current compliance and diligence consulting offering, Poseidon Group approached us to help building a compliance platform.

This is a short block quote by Justin on how it was a breeze to work with us.

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